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People that helped me throughout this process

Mr Engebreston

I would like to thank Mr Engebretson for giving me very valid and profession feedback for my project. He seemed very invested into this project which is one of the reason why I wanted to keep improving. 

Mr Hunter

Mr hunter helped me throughout this process. Although he had a lot to do he still took time to help 3d print my pole connector. He also pushed me to think further in my project but also realistly in my project. 

Ethan Vogt

Ethan took time out of his project to help me print out my 3d models that I needed for my project. I didn't have any experience in 3d modeling so he took me through the steps which I really appreciated.

Ms Neary

Outside of class, she was always interesting in learning about what I was doing with my project. She encouraged me to keep pushing on days I when I didn't want to do anything.

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